During May, we want to reward you for taking clean commute options. Snap and share a picture of examples of clean commuting for weekly prize drawings. Be creative! We will accept almost anything. Use #cleancommutecville and post your pictures to Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. We will review all the #cleancommutecville posts each week and draw winners for prizes. Everyone has a good chance of winning.
For more information on prizes, sponsors and rules, visit https://rideshareinfo.org/clean-commute-2022/
Also May is Bike Month!
Log your bike-to-work trips all month long for a chance to win a $100 gift card from the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation. Each trip logged is a chance to win!
To sign-up and start logging trips today, visit www.rideshareinfo.org and download the RideShare app. You can also find bike safety tips, bike laws, and other biking information at BikeVA.org