February Commission Meeting Updates – 2025


The TJPD Commission met on February 6, with the following items on the agenda:

1) Executive Director Christine Jacobs introduced new staff members who have joined the PDC in the past few months: Taylor Jenkins, Director of Transportation; Joe Klodzinski, VATI Project Administrative Assistant; Igor Kalina, PATH Transportation Counselor; and Sarah Richardson, PATH Transportation Assistant.

2) Lucinda Shannon presented on the FY26 PATH/Mobility Management Program Grant Application and FY26 MERIT Technical Assistance Grant Application.

3) Appointments to the Central Virginia Regional Housing Partnership were made.

4) Christine Jacobs presented the FY25 Draft Amended Operating Budget, which will be further reviewed and approved at the next meeting on March 6.  

Materials for all TJPD Commission meetings are available here.

The Commission’s next regular meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 6.