Lucinda Shannon, Transportation Planner
Lucinda has been with the TJPDC for two years, she works on transportation projects and especially loves public transit and pedestrian projects. She manages the Regional Transit Partnership and is the project manager for the Regional Transit Vision Plan and Regional Transit Governance Study.
Lucinda’s background includes working for Easter Seal’s Office of Government Affairs providing technical assistance on transportation policy for disability and aging populations. Her master’s degree is in public policy and administration, and she also has work experience in communications, training, and working as a consultant on Transportation Research Board projects.
Q: What led you to working at the TJPDC?
A: My husband and I wanted to be closer to family and live in a more rural area. Adam grew up in Albemarle County and we love hiking and kayaking. I saw the job opportunity and could not pass it up, so we moved here from Fairfax County at the end of 2019. Working at the PDC allows me to directly affect change in my own community which is rewarding. I also really like the downtown mall and small-town atmosphere of Charlottesville.
Q: What is a fun fact that you would like to share?
A: I can train chickens! Embracing the rural life, I got chickens and started a garden. I study clicker training for dogs and applied it to the chickens. I taught Fiona (one of my chickens) to follow a target stick and hop onto a platform. Here are two links to my training videos:
Mickey the dog preforms a behavior chain at Preddy Creek Park.
Fiona the chicken follows a target stick.