The Charlottesville-Albemarle Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is accepting comments on the draft Long Range Transportation Plan, Moving Toward 2050. This is the federally-required long-range transportation plan (LRTP) for the City of Charlottesville and urbanized portions of Albemarle County, which are the area served by the CA-MPO. This plan, which will be reviewed and adopted by the CA-MPO Policy Board, identifies long range transportation needs, considers possible infrastructure improvements, and establishes priorities to implement projects based on anticipated funding.
The draft plan can be viewed here.
The public is invited to a public hearing on the plan on Tuesday, May 21 at 4:00 pm at the TJPDC’s Water Street Center, 407 E Water Street, Charlottesville, VA.
Comments regarding the Moving Toward 2050 plan may be submitted until May 21st via telephone, email, or letter to the MPO: PO Box 1505, Charlottesville, VA 22902; phone (434)979-7310; email: info@tjpdc.org.