Rain Barrel Workshop March 6th

This year, the TJPDC is expanding our Rain Barrel Workshop program to all counties in the region, through our partnerships with various organizations. The first workshop of 2025 is hosted with the Culpeper Soil and Water Conservation District (CSWCD) for Greene County residents. The event, which offers Earth Minded rain barrels at a significantly reduced price ($50), will also be an opportunity for residents to learn about other essential soil & water programs, like septic system maintenance, residential runoff reduction, and lawn soil testing.

Every time it rains, stormwater carries nutrients from fertilizers, bacteria from pet waste, and chemicals from herbicides and pesticides to local waterways. Using a rain barrel at home is one way to reduce stormwater pollution and conserve water. By collecting hundreds or even thousands of gallons of rainwater annually, these barrels can help residents save money on water and utility fees.

So join us March 6th, 6:00 pm at Jack’s Shop Kitchen in Ruckersville.

Contact Stephanie DeNicola, CSWCD Education/Information Coordinator, at 540-840-8591 or stephanied@culpeperswcd.org to sign up.

Learn more: www.culpeperswcd.org/event/rain-barrel-workshop/ and check out a featured article here: https://www.greenejournal.com/articles/agriculture-environment/rain-barrel-workshop-to-promote-water-conservation-in-greene-county/