As the Regional Transit Vision Plan nears completion, the project team has been busy this summer with the public engagement phase of the study. Originally, the scope of work funded two surveys and two public meetings; however, a diverse set of stakeholders requested additional engagement opportunities for several key populations, so the project team designed additional survey tools and engagement opportunities.
In addition to expanding the rural component of the project, the project team also focused on people who are transit dependent, underrepresented populations, older adults, people with disabilities, as well as businesses and employers. The project used five different types of surveys to collect over 1,000 surveys, hosted five stakeholder workshops and three public forum events, and conducted numerous focus groups. Project materials are available in Spanish, and the project team worked with Sin Barreras to host a Spanish language focus group. Focus groups and in-person events were also conducted for people with disabilities and older adults, with the Justice Equity Diversity and Inclusion Youth Ambassadors, and at the Downtown Transit Center for bus riders.
More details on the engagement process, and the plan can be found here. When the engagement process is complete, a comprehensive report will be available that documents engagement results will also be available on the project website.