Rivanna River Basin Commission Annual Conference
Friday, September 27th, 9:30 am- 1:00 pm
Carver Recreation Center Gymnasium
The Rivanna River Basin Commission (RRBC) hosts a conference each fall for the public, local government officials, staff, and river enthusiasts to address topics impacting the watershed.
This year’s conference features speakers and panelists from local organizations, including the Rivanna Conservation Alliance, Albemarle County Parks and Recreation, Charlottesville Parks and Recreation, the Charlottesville Albemarle Convention & Visitors Bureau, Piedmont Environmental Council, Rivanna Trails Foundation, VA Department of Health, Rivanna River Company, and the Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission.
Learn about local projects and initiatives to conserve and restore the urban Rivanna corridor while improving access and mobility. Join us for a panel discussion on conservation and connectivity, and enjoy lunch provided by Take It Away Sandwich Shop.
Register Here: https://tinyurl.com/RRBCConference2024
About the Rivanna River Basin Commission (RRBC)
The RRBC is a regional organization tasked with providing guidance for the stewardship and enhancement of water and natural resources of the Rivanna River and its watershed. The members of the RRBC are local elected officials from the City of Charlottesville and Counties of Albemarle, Fluvanna, and Greene, members of the local soil and water conservation districts, and citizens appointed by the member local governments. The RRBC promotes activities that foster resources stewardship for the environmental and economic health of the basin through providing a forum for communication, coordination, and education and by suggesting appropriate solutions to identified problems for governments and citizens. The Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission staffs the RRBC.