2018 Hydraulic Small Area Plan
April 2018
The Hydraulic Small Area Plan provides guidance and a vision for redevelopment and transportation solutions associated with the Hydraulic area. This study is one of several projects funded through the US Route 29 Solutions Projects, a $256 million investment to improve infrastructure along the congested US Route 29 corridor. The development of the Hydraulic Small Area Plan was guided by a twelve-member Advisory Panel comprised of representatives from the City and County government, a representative of the environmental community, and private sector business leaders over an eight-month process.
The study reflects an intentional strategy to focus on land use associated with the US Route 29 corridor as the primary framework to inform future transportation solutions. The study area is located within the jurisdictions of both the City of Charlottesville and Albemarle County, providing an opportunity for a model of collaboration in community planning. Understanding the interaction of new development and redevelopment with transportation facilities serving the area is critical to inform the Conceptual Land Use Plan, land use codes and policy documents guiding development in this area.
The Hydraulic Small Area Plan is focused on Land Use but references transportation strategies developed in concert with the Virginia Department of Transportation. The goal is to ensure that land use decisions and transportation solutions are supportive of the goals for community development and the need for safe and efficient movement of traffic, pedestrians, and cyclists within and through the study area.