S-29-Hydraulic-250 Bypass Intersection Study
October 2003
During a hands-on UnJAM workshop, City and County policymakers concluded that the US-29 and Hydraulic Road intersection required immediate attention. Policymakers were also concerned about impacts from potential major redevelopment proposals under consideration in both City and County.
The jointly defined goal of this study was to develop specific intersection design concepts that address vehicular, pedestrian, bicycle, and transit movement for improved mobility, safety, and development opportunities within the US-29, Hydraulic, and 250-Bypass area while protecting the existing tax base, businesses, neighborhoods, and employment.
The study developed specific intersection design concepts that address vehicular, pedestrian, bicycle, and transit movement for improved mobility, safety, and development opportunities within the US-29, Hydraulic, and 250-Bypass area while protecting existing tax base, businesses, neighborhoods, and employment.