About the TJPDC
The Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission serves our local governments by providing regional vision, collaborative leadership and professional service to develop effective solutions.
Our History
Planning District Commissions (PDCs) were established by the General Assembly under the Virginia Area Development Act (Code of Virginia, Title 15.2, 2210). The Thomas Jefferson PDC (10) was formed in 1972 to provide a forum for discussion of issues localities have in common, or on which there is disagreement; to work to decrease fragmentation in government; to plan cooperatively for the future; and to provide planning services to local governments as requested. As a public body, the TJPDC strives to include the public in decision-making.

Organizational Structure
The TJPDC is guided by a locally appointed, twelve member Commission, of which at least 51% are local elected officials. Member localities include the City of Charlottesville and the Counties of Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa, and Nelson. Commission meetings, which are open to the public, are held the first Thursday of each month at 7 pm in the TJPDC Office.
Funding sources include annual contributions from our member local governments, state appropriations, grants from federal and state governments, contract services and private foundations.
Upcoming Meetings
Our Members

Additional Information
Staff Directory
Our Services
Offered to both member localities and the public, our services include planning, technical assistance, data gathering, and grant administration.
Organizational Documents
Guided by its charter and bylaws, the Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission periodically engages in a strategic planning effort to prioritize its activities in a manner that is consistent with its mission.