
Apartments and townhouses allowed by right in Downtown Crozet District (DCD).

Duplexes, triplexes and quadraplexes and multifamily apartments are permitted by-right in R-6, R-10, R-15, PUD-R and PRD districts.

Side by Side duplexes are permitted by right in Rural Areas, Village Residential, Monticello Historic District and R-4 districts.

Housing Albemarle references incentivizing “a variety of housing types (such as bungalow courts, triplexes and fourplexes, accessory dwelling units, live/work units, tiny homes, modular homes, and apartment buildings)” to promote increased density.

See Albemarle’s Permitted Use Chart for an overview of the zoning ordinances.

What is Infill?

Gentle Infill by Lincoln Institute of Land Policy provides policy strategies and case studies.

Missing Middle Housing by Opticos contains information on different housing types with ideal specifications and case studies.

A note on PUDs: Planned Unit Developments (PUDs) are commonly regarded as zoning overlays that offer flexibility in standards to stimulate development in specific municipal areas. While PUDs typically allow for mixed-use developments, higher-density housing, and efficient land use, this consideration of infill policy primarily centers on higher-density housing types such as attached dwellings (townhomes), duplexes, triplexes, multifamily units, and bungalow courts.