Program Background

On July 13, 2021, Virginia Housing announced $40 million in grants to Virginia’s 21 Planning District Commissions for the creation of new housing initiatives. The TJPDC was awarded $2 million to help support new affordable housing units in the region. This initiative will build on several years of regional coordination of housing providers, service providers, developers, and residents to create a network through which the affordable housing gap can begin to be closed.

The Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission (TJPDC) sought submissions from for-profit and non-profit developers for projects that would increase the inventory of affordable housing in the region through the development of new units. Successful applicants were awarded funding from the $2 million granted to the TJPDC from Virginia Housing.

The TJPDC made development partner determinations through a multi-step process. First, potential partners completed and submitted the Proof of Concept. This proof of concept collected key details about the proposed project, including number of units to be constructed, partner development experience, and location of development. The TJPDC received five proposals totaling $5.9 million in funding requests.

Staff began the process of choosing priority applicants by establishing criteria whereby submissions would be judged. These included cost per unit, location, type of development, affordability level, site control, funding sources secured, and capacity to be completed by June 2024. Staff reached out to 4 of 5 applicants to clarify components of their submissions and ensure that assumptions concerning geography, cost per unit, and funding sources. After deliberation, staff chose three projects to receive funding –

  • Virginia Supportive Housing’s Premier Circle supportive housing development,
  • Habitat for Humanity of Greater Charlottesville’s scatter-site affordable homeownership initiative
  • Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority’s South First Street affordable rental unit development.

New housing construction will occur in all six localities in the planning district.

Applicant Funds Awarded Units Funded
Habitat for Humanity
Virginia Supportive Housing
Locality Number of Units
Charlottesville City
Albemarle County
Louisa County
Fluvanna County
Nelson County
Greene County
Applicant Funds Awarded Funds Spent Units Funded Units Complete
Habitat for Humanity
Virginia Supportive Housing

*As of June 1, 2023

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Charlottesville, Fluvanna Habitat for Humanity, Piedmont Habitat for Humanity - 32 Affordable Homeownership Units – Louisa, Fluvanna, Nelson, Greene, Charlottesville, and Albemarle

  • 5 single family detached dwellings in Louisa County, 1 single family detached dwelling in Greene County, 6 single family attached dwellings in Charlottesville, single family attached, 8 single family detached, and 6 walk out condominium dwellings in Albemarle, 4 single family detached dwellings in Fluvanna, and 2 single family detached dwellings in Nelson.
  • Home ownership units sold to residents of TJPDC’s localities who earn between 25%-60% AMI
  • Homes will include, at minimum, 30-year affordability provisions including a right of first refusal, appreciation sharing and a final forgivable mortgage.

Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority – South First Street Phase Two - 48 Affordable Rental Units, Charlottesville

  • Demolition of 58 deteriorated townhome-style public housing units and will be replaced with 113 townhome and garden-style rental apartments. The TJPDC will be funding 48 of the 113 proposed new rental units.
  • Will serve population with incomes ranging from 30-60% AMI.
  • Significant and extensive input from current public housing residents

Virginia Supportive Housing – Premier Circle - 80 Affordable Supportive Housing Units, Albemarle

  • New construction of a four-story building. The project will provide 80 affordable studio apartments for homeless and low-income adults.
  • Sixty units will have rental subsidies for homeless adults and the remaining units will be affordable for individuals earning 50% AMI or less.
  • Units are permanent supportive housing