
The purpose of the plan is to recommend housing strategies for each of the counties in Planning District Ten that can be included in the housing chapters of their Comprehensive Plans. Not all local jurisdictions have updated their Comprehensive Plans for several years.  The delay in updates has caused a compliance concern with the 2006 Code of Virginia 15.2-2223-D requiring the comprehensive plan shall include “the designation of areas and implementation of measures for the construction, rehabilitation and maintenance of affordable housing, which is sufficient to meet the current and future needs of residents of all levels of income in the locality while considering the current and future needs of the planning district within which the locality is situated.” To assist other jurisdictions in the Commonwealth that may also be experiencing compliance issues with the above code, a template affordable housing element for Comprehensive Plans will be created that may allow an expedited way towards compliance.


  1. Coordinated: Improve the coordination between the multiple localities in creating a housing vision for the region.
  2. Comprehensive: Embed transportation, workforce development, and community health into the creation of housing strategies for the region.
  3. Data-driven: Emphasize data-driven decision-making.
  4. Transparent: Facilitate open communication and coordination between all stakeholders.