Survey Intro

Survey Introduction: The Rivanna River Basin Commission (RRBC) is the regional organization tasked with recommending programs for the enhancement of water and natural resources of the Rivanna River and its watershed. Through promoting communication, coordination, and education, and by suggesting appropriate solutions to identified problems, the Commission shall promote activities by local, state, and federal governments, and by individuals, that foster resource stewardship for the environmental and economic health of the Basin. One of the current goals of the RRBC is to develop a plan for the Rivanna River that includes recommendations for ways to improve regional coordination and further connection to the rural portion of the River. The purpose of this survey is to inventory the programs and projects already existing within the basin that contribute to the environmental protection, recreational initiatives, public education, historic/cultural conservation, and trail connectivity along the Rivanna River to assess current gaps that exist in addressing regional opportunities for collaboration. Your organization’s completion of this survey will help to address the needs of the river and how the RRBC can be better stewards. Thank you for your participation!
2. Is your organization involved in any of the following initiatives relating to the Rivanna River? If yes, describe the projects in more detail below. (Please include information on where these projects have taken place, if applicable.)

If applicable, complete the sections below with a brief description of the project(s):

If applicable
If applicable
If applicable
If applicable
If applicable
3. What initiatives are you involved in along the rural portions of the Rivanna? (Fluvanna, Greene, or Rural Albemarle)

If applicable, complete the sections below with a brief description of the project(s):

If applicable
If applicable
If applicable
If applicable
If applicable